Expression of Veronese Craftsmanship, produced following the traditional family recipe. White wine for 75% and caramel as the only colorant. Herbs and spices are processed separately, in alcoholic, hydroalcoholic and infusion solutions. Subsequently, everything is combined and left to rest for about 30 days before being bottled without filtration. Totally Natural, excellent as a classic aperitif if served with ice and orange peel, surprising if combined with blue cheeses and invigorating at the end of a meal thanks to the properties of the herbs with which it is produced.

37050 Roverchiara - VR -
email: emilio_lab@le4ciacole.it
About Us
Marco Scandogliero, best Sommelier of Veneto 2016 founder and producer of emilio_lab
Locanda le 4 Ciacole
Emilio-LAB è un marchio di
Locanda le 4 ciacole